Eat Safe Brisbane
Chill Factor helps your food service business to comply with Eat Safe Brisbane.
Make sure your refrigeration systems are up to standard, and are keeping your products safe to eat. Contact us now for maintenance and repairs, or to install new systems.
Do you know your star rating?
The new food safety star rating scheme ‘Eat Safe Brisbane’ helps diners know which restaurants, cafés and food outlets are practising the highest standards of food safety handling.
Eat Safe Brisbane is a Brisbane City Council scheme that rates every licensed food business for compliance. A three-star rating shows a restaurant that is a good performer with good compliance with food safety standards and a four-star rating shows a restaurant has very good compliance.
Restaurants with five stars show excellent compliance, while those with no star rating have either low or no compliance or have chosen not to display their rating, even though it might be three stars or more.
Good refrigeration systems are essential in gaining or maintaining your star rating. Act now and keep your customers safe by contacting us.
Contact us today and let’s talk about how we can keep it fresh for you.